"I survived the experience of a traumatic childhood in part through my relationship with food. I for the most part of my life compulsively stuffed myself with food to avoid feeling anger, grief and frustration. If you have never used food to cope, to stuff down or avoid feelings, I know it’s hard to understand how someone could continue to do so despite the emotional toll. I was aware that my eating habits were abnormal, but found little comfort because of society’s tendency to stereotype the overweight individual. My obsession with food was away of diverting inner attention from the pain of the past. My weight eventually settled at 300 pounds and I felt uncomfortable with by body. I started to wear over sized clothes to disguise my shape. I also knew that my being healthy was important to my future and my welfare. It was at this point that I realized that I needed to get professional help, if I was to conquest my addiction to food.
Sometimes later I met a young man who would become any personal trainer, his name is Troy Brown. Even from the beginning Troy said that we had a long haul ahead of us, but he would be there every inch of the way. In time Troy has challenged me by doing different workouts, it’s never the same. Since working out with Troy my intensity and duration during workouts have improved. Troy is also getting me to stretch more, as he once said stretching gives you longer, stronger muscles, better posture, increases mental focus and gives you more energy. He also counsels me on my nutritional habits, which are poor but improving slowly. He has helped me develop new behavior and attitudes about food.
I have two weaknesses that Troy is always trying to get me to improve. One is my fluid intake. I never did like water, but he keeps reminding me that water is important to your body. He always says, where is your water bottle?! And believe me when I say this: he stands by me to make sure I drink plenty of fluids. My other weakness is, I have a habit of holding my breath during our workouts.
A person couldn’t ask for a better trainer than Troy. He has such a sincere and caring personality that other people notice it. I have seen him give advice to other people who are his clients. Yes, he can be firm and strict, but he gets the results because of this.
I am not just a client to him, but a person who had feelings and hopes for a better and healthier life. I would also like to mention that sometimes I come to the gym on my days off with Troy. He always comes over to greet me and tells me what machine to use that day. He always has a watchful eye on me to make sure that I am using the equipment safety. He also tells me never to use certain machines without his presence.
Troy has made me feel better mentally as well as physically. With his help I have lost pounds and enough inches to require 2 sizes smaller than I started. Now I can express the feelings when friends and family see me as I am today. I needed this transformation to save my life. Today I can express good things about myself, blush when men throw compliments my way, and talk about issues concerning health and human nature.
The level of confidence that I experience today is higher that I have ever personally experienced to such a degree that I sometimes feel embarrassed to feel so good about me. I was hoping to improve my self esteem with this decision, but I have surpassed my widest dreams. I figure it will take me quite a few months to get to my goal, but with Troy’s help I know I will get there, after which I am aware of the challenge it will be to maintain what I am, however I am sure I will be up for the task.
Your’s Truly,"